Private sessions are $60 - 1 person
Group sessions are $40 - per person (max. 5 people)
All classes must be booked please text or call.
Mob. 021 044 1610

The Power of Choreography

Learn and experience the essence of Choreographic sequences:

* History of Yoga and roots of choreographic sequences
* The power developed trough choreographic sequences
* Comparing different choreographies
* Choreography and Ashtanga Sadhana
* Expression; gesture language: asanas and mudras
* Sankalpa: transmitting your intention
* Creating and training your choreographic sequences and applying it to your own daily practice.

Investment: $65 (for a 6 hours course) - including lunch

More info:

Swasthya Yoga Tauranga
021 044 1610 - Ana Vieira


Friday 5/03
6.00 pm - Meeting at Mt. Maunganui Swasthya Yoga Studio
6.30 pm - Departure to Whangamata
7.30 pm - Arrival at Yoga beach house
8.00 pm - Welcome meeting and mantras
9.00 pm - Light dinner

Saturday 6/03
7.30 am - Awakening
7.40 am - Samyama - Meditation practice
8.20 am - Light meal
9.20 am - Ashtanga sadhana 2 hours
11.30 am - Brunch break
1.30 pm - Applying theory to your practice: Yamas and Nyamas
2.30 pm - Choreography video
3.30 pm - Kriyas
4.00 pm - Choreography workshop and presentations
4.30 pm - Body and Sensibility
5.00 pm - Sat Chakra closure
6.30 pm - Departure to Mt. Maunganui

Why is Swasthya Yoga so special?

 Swasthya Yoga  is extremely technical and powerful, thus why it pleases dynamic, enterprising and intellectual people. The initial stage of the method is aimed at preparing the student for the evolutionary process that happens in the later stages of Yoga. The result of the initial preparation is the strengthening of the biological structure, the increasing of vitality and awareness.

About Swasthya Yoga

Swasthya Yoga is about learning to come back to yourself. It’s finding your limits, expanding your boundaries, and being able to truly relax into who you are.

Swasthya Yoga will increase your vitality, health, energy and life expectancy.

The practice of Swasthya Yoga works on every aspect of the physical body, building up strength, stamina, toning, flexibility, balance and as well as improving the mental body through concentration, awareness and the ability to simply relax and be you!

The method called Swasthya Yoga is a contemporary approach of the first Yoga to be developed.

We want to support you in becoming a healthier and happier person through establishing a lifelong Yoga practice.

Come join us!


Yoga Studio
Learn the fundamentals of Yoga in a simple, friendly manner. Ask your questions, learn how to incorporate Yoga into your daily schedule, and get personalized instruction in a small size class .
Open your mind to all of the physical and mental benefits of a regular  practice.

Yoga @ Work
Bring Yoga to your workplace. Promote employee well-being. Your company
provides the employees and we provide a more productive work force.
Health is Wealth!

Yoga Privates
Sessions are tailored to the individual, ensuring you progress at your own pace. Increase your flexibility, stamina, strength and levels of energy. Learn to relax and reduce stress in your life.

Yoga Sports
Program specifically designed to improve your game, with specific exercise on the muscle groups used within all sports.
The session includes breathing and meditative techniques to help focus the mind and keep you centered.

Instructor Profile

Ana Vieira began studying Yoga in 1998 when living in Brazil and looking for an art that would stimulate her entire being. As a very physical person she was attracted to the dynamic practice of SwaSthya Yoga and was inspired by the discipline it takes to practice this style effectively. Ana graduated as Yoga Instructor by the International Yoga University, in Brazil, in 2001 and has been teaching SwaSthya Yoga since 2000.

She has also developed three special programs:

Yoga Sports
Yoga Training Program for athletes, such as soccer and tennis players, surfers, climbers, etc.

Yoga @ Work
Unique on-site yoga that deliver immediate benefits for a healthier, happier, and more productive work force.

Yoga Kids Adventure Introductory Practice of the Yoga System to children aged three and over in a playful way.